Saturday morning was not like every other morning. We got up around 4:15 and started getting ready to head to the hospital. Josh and I have both decided that a scheduled c-section was not as great as we thought it would be. Although I loved having everything planned out, it was very nerve wrecking to know exactly when we would be meeting our daughter. Once we got to the hospital, the nurse got me admitted and made sure everything was ready for surgery. By 6:15 we were done with everything and Josh and I had to just sit and watch the clock until 7:30. Time went by very slow. The anticipation was enough to drive me crazy. 7:30 came and went and we were still waiting. When I went in for my pre-op appt. some lab work that was supposed to be drawn, wasn't. So we had to wait on those results before they would start surgery. We finally made it to the OR at 8:30 and the anesthesiologist started to put in my spinal. It was so much more painful this time than it was with Emma because he had a lot of trouble getting it positioned right. After about 15 minutes, he decided to also give me an epidural. After what seemed like forever, Josh finally got to come and sit by my head and we waited for Ryleigh to come into the world. At 9:03 a.m. I heard the cry that every mother waits 9 months to hear. Then she was lifted over the drape and we saw her for the first time.
She was absolutely beautiful and perfect. She was then taken to the warmer for her assessment. Her apgars were 9 and 9. ![](
After 5 minutes or so, Josh got to bring her to see me. One of the happiest moments of my life.
After I was able to see her a few minutes, Josh carried her to the nursery while I got stitched up and went to the recovery room. ![](
I spent 2 hours in recovery then finally got to go to my room.When I got there, Josh and our parents were already there. Everyone was finally able to meet Ryleigh.....and I was finally able to see my little Emma. ![](
We spent 3 nights in the hospital. Our hospital experience this time was actually pretty horrible. We had a lot of rude and mean nurses and it made our stay so frustrating. But we still loved spending every minute with Ryleigh and getting to know her. Everyone has been wondering for a while if we were going to get another great baby this time around and so far....the answer is yes.[please don't hate me]. Ryleigh sleeps like a champ and I've only heard her cry twice since she was born. She is sleeping through the night great. We have had to wake her up after 4 hours and once she eats, she goes right back to sleep. She is just so content and happy. I know she is only a few days old and it could all change, but so far she is wonderful. It's amazing to me how much she reminds me of Emma. The way she acts about certain things is the same way Emma was. Emma didn't really pay any attention to Ryleigh in the hospital. She was too busy doing other things. I'm curious to see how she reacts to her now that we are home.
Ryleigh and I were finally discharged from the hospital around 11:00 this morning. She looked so cute in her little overalls and hat. I'm so glad to be home with my little family.
"Being born sure is exhausting"-Ryleigh :]![](
Aww so cute! Glad you guys are home and she's doing well. Get some rest!
hey e-mail me the pic of chey and me holding ryleigh!
I am sooo happy for all of you! You have a beautiful family, i'm very glad you all are at home and getting settled in. If you ever need anything im a phone call away.
mmmmmmmmmmm i LOVE freshpussy
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