Friday, March 11, 2011

On a Mission

Only 2 days till Ryleigh's big party! I can't believe at this time last year I was packing my hospital bag, cleaning like a mad woman, washing newborn clothes, washing bottles, and getting ready to welcome my 2nd daughter into the world. I wish time would just slow down sometimes. It makes me so sad to see her turn 1 but also so happy because I know I'm going to love watching her grow up and I know that God has great things in store for her.

I always have everything done way too early than I should. I am a planner. I make lists and storyboards and always know exactly what I'm doing. This time it was a little bit different. I had Ryleigh's party all planned out months ago and then I had to do something else because the funds were just not there to do everything I wanted to I'm saving that for her 2nd birthday. So I decided to go with something different. I found some party napkins at Swoozies a couple of weeks ago and I LOVED them. So I am decorating for her party around those. Lets just say....this is going to be a colorful party. I'm so excited though. There is nothing I love more than to throw a big party and celebrate with the people that mean the most to us. I tried to tone it down a little this year and it was really hard, so I mostly just got the basics that I would need. Up until today, I had NOTHING for the party. I mean NOTHING!!! I was going a little crazy. So this morning Katie and I got everything we needed. I was a WOMAN ON A MISSION!! I picked her up at 9am and we went to Target, Hobby Lobby,Party City, Swoozies, the Apple Store(for Katie), Chick-fil-a, and Babies R Us. My little girls were rock stars and did great. With the exception for Emma, who had a mini-meltdown in Party City. It seems as though when I go out by myself with the girls, Emma does wonderful. She will ride in the big part of the cart and just look around and play with stuff that I put in the cart. But anytime Josh or Katie goes shopping with me she screams for them to carry her. And she is a heavy little girl. But anyway, they did great and I was so happy Katie was able to come with us. It helps so much having someone else there to help with the girls.

We are having Ryleigh's party in the new fellowship hall at our church because with it being a little cold here, thats the place with the most room for all the people coming. It will be fun though. I can't wait to start decorating!!

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