Monday, November 7, 2011

:playground fun:

Today was a long day it seemed like. The girls adjusted well to the time change on Sunday but today Ryleigh got up at 6am which is over an hour earlier than usual as she seemed really tired and fussy most of the morning. After nap time she was fine though and fell asleep within 2 minutes of being put in the bed. Emma had a make up dance class today and she will have another one on Wednesday. I wish I could watch her so bad but it distracts them, so no parents allowed. They will participating in the parade in December and they will also have a recital in May so I'm pretty excited to see that. Anyway...on sunday we went to the playground with my mom, Autumn, Chey, and Hailey before going to my parents house for dinner. The girls had a great time playing together as usual. Here are a few pics.

Of course there was lots of sliding on the tummy. 

Gracie is so happy she gets to come too. I love this little dog so much. 

Josh left to go out of town again this morning. He will be gone till Thursday night and then he leaves again next Sunday-Thursday. November seems to be a busy month for him but I'm trying to make the best out of it and get a lot of things done so I can just spend time with him while he is home.  I've got a long night of school work ahead of me, so I better get to it. 

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