Sunday, December 18, 2011

catching up.....again

Once again I am playing catch up. I always say I'm going to blog more but time gets away from me. I am sad to say I haven't gotten my camera out all week. But that will change this week for sure. I can't believe Christmas is less than a week away now. I finally went shopping this past Friday and got the things that I wanted to get. Josh and I decided on Emma's 1st Christmas that our kids will get 3 gifts each from us and Santa will (hopefully if they are good) bring one also. I am really happy with that decision because in all honesty, it keeps me from going overboard and it helps me to really focus on things I really want to get them as opposed to things they probably won't really play with. I am so thankful that we are going to be able to give our girls a great Christmas. There are so many people out there that don't have that, and I have thought about them a lot lately. I hope that no matter what my girls will grow up knowing that too. Christmas is giving, not receiving. I still need to wrap a few gifts and get a few gifts, but I'm almost done. 

I finished up my semester of school this week. I am excited to be done and have a few weeks off. I have already registered for my spring classes and I'm looking forward to starting those. I am really enjoying school and feel like I am doing a good job so far.

I am really enjoying spending this holiday season with my girls. Ryleigh is just still so young to really understand but Emma is starting to understand some things. She loves to look at the Christmas lights. She points out all of them and says "oh my goodness." It's the sweetest thing ever. I can't wait to see her face Christmas morning. I have put so much thought this year about what I want my girls to learn and understand about Christmas. Every family has to make decisions for themselves about things like Santa, gifts, and all the other "unnecessary" things that come with Christmas but I hope that they will always know the reason we celebrate.

I am so excited for this week. Josh is planning to be off a couple of days at the end of the week and I'm really looking forward to spending time as a family.

Here a few pictures taken last Sunday at my mom and dad's house on Josh's phone. Emma and I tried really hard to decorate a gingerbread house. It wasn't as easy as I thought. Emma had a blast though, ya between eating all the candy. 

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