Monday, June 25, 2012

Boy or Girl?

We are thrilled to announce that we have been blessed with a sweet little baby 


Trust me, no one is as shocked as Josh and I. I think we were both thinking all along that this baby was going to be a girl. We already have two girls, my sister has two girls, and my dad has 3 girls. We just don't do boys in our family. But we do now. :) I am so excited words can't even describe. I am really looking forward to raising a little boy. It is going to be all new to us and I welcome the opportunity. 

Let me tell you how we found out. My actual gender/anatomy ultrasound isn't scheduled until July 6th. My doctors nurse called me last week though and asked me to come in because the doctor was worried about how much weight I am losing and wanted to do some blood work to make sure everything was ok. She mentioned on the phone that he may want to do an ultrasound also to check for fluid levels but she wasn't sure. I went into the appointment secretly hoping for an ultrasound and a little peek of what this baby was. After the lab work they did the ultrasound and I was so happy to see this little baby. After she checked the fluid levels she asked if I wanted her to find out if we were having a boy or girl. Of course I did, but I wanted all of my family to find out together. So she printed what is was on the ultrasound picture and sealed it in an envelope. After my appointment I went to the Carter's store and picked out a blue outfit and a pink outfit. They were the exact same thing and same price. I took them both to the cashier and asked her to open the envelope and put the right outfit in a gift bag and wrap it up really good. I went outside the store so that I couldn't see what she was wrapping up. Then she put all the pictures in another envelope and put it in the bag too. I paid for it and I then headed home. When I got home Josh and I let Emma and Ryleigh open up the bag and we were ecstatic when she pulled out a BLUE outfit. Emma is excited for a baby brother. She still doesn't quite understand why the baby isn't here yet. Josh and I called all of our family and they are just as excited as we are. We have had a first name picked out for a few weeks now but we cannot agree on a middle name, but as soon as we do, I'll share that with you. 

We can't wait to welcome him into our family in late November/early December!!

I tried really hard to get good ultrasound pictures but it just didn't turn out so this is the best one. Josh is planning on buying a scanner soon so after that I will upload all the ultrasound pictures so that I have them all on the blog. 

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