Tuesday, October 23, 2012

34 Weeks!

How far along? 34 Weeks! Only 5 weeks to go!

Size of Baby: Grayson is weighing in around 4.9 lbs and is about 19-22 inches long.

Maternity Clothes: Yes. I still haven't gotten any new ones and I am in desperate need. I only have a couple of shirts that fit anymore and I need some capris or something for Fall.

Weight: Still hovering around -31lbs.

Gender: IT'S A BOY! Grayson Blake 

Labor Signs: Hopefully not till November!

Movement: This baby boy moves ALL. THE. TIME!

Sleeping: Not good right now. I wake up more tired than when I go to bed. My back has really been hurting the past few days. It hurts so much sometimes that it is hard to walk and stand still. I never had this problem with either girls so I'm not sure if it is just pregnancy related or if it has something to do with the pain I was having a few weeks ago. Either way, at least I don't have that much longer. But it is making it really hard to sleep. Laying down actually makes my back hurt more.

What I Miss: Nothing!

What I am looking forward to: Hopefully getting the rest of the things we need for the baby soon. There are still several little items that we need. I always forget how much that little stuff adds up tough. Geez.

Cravings/Aversions: chocolate, cheese doodles, spaghetti

Symptons: heartburn, back pain

Best Moment this Week: The best moment this week was when Emma got to feel Grayson move. She has felt him a couple of times before but didn't really pay any attention. She was able to see and feel him move this time. She is fully convinced that there is a monkey in my belly. Then she got really upset that she didn't have a monkey in her belly too. I think she will understand about having a baby brother once he gets here. We have been talking about it with her for so long now that I think she is starting to wonder if he's ever coming.

I can't believe that my c-section is 5 weeks from tomorrow!!! I'm actually hoping that he doesn't come early. Thanksgiving is just a few days before my c-section and we have lots of plans for that weekend so hopefully he will stay put until then!

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