Tuesday, November 13, 2012

37 Weeks!

How far along? 37 Weeks! Only 2 weeks to go!

Size of Baby: Grayson is weighing in around 6.5 lbs and is about 19-22 inches long.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Weight: -29lbs

Gender: IT'S A BOY! Grayson Blake 

Labor Signs: Hopefully not for a couple more weeks. 

Movement: He's just rolling around alot. Not too many kicks lately. He does stick his butt out alot. :0)

Sleeping: Sleep?! Who has time to sleep when you have to roll over 22,000 times a night and get up to pee 15 times!

What I Miss: The only thing I'm starting to miss is standing up without my hips and back hurting.

What I am looking forward to: I am REALLY looking forward to Josh coming home on Thursday. I knew being 37 weeks pregnant and taking care of the girls would be exhausting but I didn't realize how much until this week. At least when Josh is here I have some help. I am also really looking forward to having the afternoon just him and I on Saturday! That doesn't happen very often so I want to take full advantage of it.

Cravings/Aversions: None really. I feel like I can never get full though.

Symptoms: heartburn, back pain, swollen ankles, carpal tunnel syndrome

Best Moment this Week: The best moment this week was getting all of little man's clothes washed and put away. I will probably start packing his hospital bag this coming week and I am trying really hard not to pack everything!

Starting last week, I am now going to the doctor every week. It is exhausting but now I know we are in the home stretch. Last Wednesday when I was at the doctor they did the Group B test which I haven't gotten the results back from yet and they also checked to see if I was dilated and I wasn't, which is really good. I spoke to my doctor about some problems I have been having and she said that I have carpal tunnel syndrome. It comes along in the last month or so of pregnancy for some people. It is caused by the swelling. It should go away once he is born and I'm praying that it does. That stuff is no joke!

I was so happy this morning to see this! I have this app on my phone and I try to only look at it once a week. It also gives me updates on how this little guy is growing.

Of course the countdown is only 2 weeks because our c-section will be done at 39 weeks instead of 40!

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