Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ryleigh Laine::3 Years

Today my sweet Ry bear turns 3 years old!! She is turning into such a beautiful, polite, sweet, and well mannered little girl. She is definitely a mama's girl and I love it. 

At 3 years old, Ryleigh:

-LOVES Dora. She has lots of favorite shows including Bubble Guppies, Team Umizoomi, etc, but most of the time when you ask her what she wants to watch, it will most likely be Dora. 

-walks into the room and says "Ni Hoa mommy." I think she watches a little too much Kai Lan. 

-waves and blows kisses anytime she leaves someone. 

-loves to do puzzles. She can put together a 100 piece puzzle in about 10 minutes. 

-knows all of her letters and even the sounds of some of them. She sings the ABC song all the time.

-can count from 1-20

-is still short! I'm expecting a growth spurt soon. :)

-loves wearing her Hello Kitty gown. She will wear it every single day all day long if I let her.

-likes to dance. We usually have at least 1 dance party a day. 

-is very shy around people. 

-LOVES her aunt Autumn. Autumn has become her favorite person lately. 

-loves to play outside, as long as she doesn't get dirty.

-doesn't really care for coloring.

-has decided she is too big to take a nap. :(  Some days she will take one but most of the time she doesn't.

-is potty trained! Finally!!!! I waited until after Grayson was born to potty train her and it worked out great because she was ready. I didn't want to push her. She only had one or two accidents. She wakes up dry every morning also so hopefully she will start sleeping in panties also. 

-is left handed. (I believe) I would be surprised if she wasn't. She does everything left handed. She eats, colors, throws things, etc. with her left hand. 

We love our little Ryleigh so much. She brings so much joy into our lives. We are so excited to watch her grow and turn into an amazing person. <3 p="">

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