Yesterday was an amazing day! I got a phone call around 3:30 am and it was my mom telling me that my baby sister, Katie had finally gone into labor...on her due date! I was so excited I couldn't hardly sleep the rest of the morning. Because Josh had to work, it wasn't feasible for me to go to the hospital before it was really time for the baby. It would be way too difficult trying to occupy the girls and also keep G happy. So I got regular updates and paced all day long. Because Katie's husband is deployed right now my mom, my sister, and myself were in the delivery room. I got to the hospital just in time for Katie to start pushing. Katie did amazing and Avery was born at 7:17 last night. It was such an incredible thing to be a part of. I am so proud of Katie. I can't imagine bringing a baby into this world without my husband by my side and I know she is upset, but she is making the best of it. I love being able to see her as a mother now and she is already doing such a great job!
Avery Margaret Haynes
7:17 am October 15 2013
8 lbs 1 oz 21 in

Welcome to our family Miss Avery!
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