Saturday, December 29, 2012

Grayson-1 Month Old

Grayson, you are 1 month old!

This month has gone by so fast. Right now you are fighting off RSV but you are still so happy and such a good baby. We love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow. 

Here is what you are up to at 1 month:

-You weigh 7 lbs 10 oz which is what you weighed when you were born. That is the 5th percentile. 

-You are wearing newborn clothes and newborn diapers. I think you will probably be in those for a few more weeks.

-You are eating 6-7 bottles a day. You are currently eating 2 1/2 oz every 4 hours. 

-You had your first bath at 2 weeks old and you hated it. But now that you've gotten used to it you actually like it, as long as I keep you warm. 

-Since you were born you have been a great sleeper. This week wasn't too good because you've been sick but you usually only wake up once a night to eat. You will usually go about 5 hours at night before waking up to eat and you even made a 6 hour stretch one night. I can't complain at all. 

-You are sleeping in our room right now. You sleep in your nap nanny and you love it. You haven't spit up hardly at all since you are elevated. I will probably move you out of it soon though so you can sleep flat in your crib when the time comes. 

-You are doing really great in the car. You normally don't have any problems with your carseat and we are really grateful for that.

-You have smiled at us a few times. I haven't been able to catch in on camera yet but it is so cute. I can't wait to see more of it.

-You have the softest hair. You haven't lost any since birth either. Right now your eyes look like a stone grey color. I'm sure that will change over the next couple months though.

-You like sitting in your swing. You have recently noticed the mobile and lights on it and you will also stare at the ceiling fan.

-You celebrated your first holiday:Christmas! I am ashamed to say that I don't have many pictures of you on that day because you were sick and we didn't do a whole lot. But you got an awesome new playmat from Santa, a pony from Nana and Papa, and some new clothes from other people. 

-Your big sisters love you so much. Emma is always asking to hold you or if she can see you. And Ryleigh is always trying to stick your paci in your mouth. I know they are going to love playing with you when you get bigger. 

-You are mommy and daddy's little buddy. We love you so much and are so blessed to have you as our son. 

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