Monday, July 1, 2013

7 Months!

My sweet baby G turned 7 months old this past Friday. This month was a big month for him. He is learning to do so many things and we love watching him grow.

 Here is what G has been up to this month:

-at his 6 month check up a couple of weeks ago he weighed 18 lbs 9 oz (65th %) and he was
26 3/4 in. long (43rd %)

-he is wearing mostly 6 month clothes but is wearing 9 month shorts

-we just moved him to size 4 diapers a couple of days ago

-he is still taking 5 oz bottles and gets 6 per day. I've tried to give him more milk per bottle and cut one out but he just does better having less more often. 

-he usually gets about 4 oz of baby food a day too and about 3 oz of juice with water

-he has been eating yogurt melts for about a month now but the other day he started eating puffs.

-he likes to snack on those while we are eating dinner

-G started CRAWLING this month. He actually started about a month ago pulling himself forward a little bit. Now, he is all over the place. He is really quick and can get anywhere he wants to go. Right now he is doing an army crawl. He pulls himself forward with his left arm. I imagine he will be up on all 4's soon. 

-he also cut his first tooth last weekend. He didn't get much of a break because now the next one is trying to pop through also.

-he usually takes 2-3 naps per day, usually 1-1/2 hrs in the morning and after lunch and then a 30 minute catnap in the afternoon

-he is mostly sitting up on his own. He can sit for a while as long as he doesn't lean over too far. I've been trying to practice sitting with him but because he started crawling so early, he has decided he would rather crawl around than sit still

-he went out on the beach for the first time this month also

-he loves him little blue golf club

-his nighttime sleep has been really messed up this month because of teething. I'm hoping we will get back to those 12 hr nights soon.

-he got to go swimming for the first time and he loves it!

-G moved from his baby bath tub to the big bath tub a few nights ago. He was soaking me and the floor every night so I got him a little inflatable duck bath tub that goes in the big bath tub. Now he sits up and plays and he LOVES it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! This is Casey from 3 Frogs and a Princess. First of all, Grayson is ADORABLE! What a cute smile.
I was trying to contact you in response to your comment but your return email address is a no reply. :( If you will send me your email address to threefrogsandaprincess @ I will get you some of my favorite answers! Thanks!