Friday, January 16, 2009

What is Emma up to?

Emma is growing like a weed!! Over the past month she has really put on some chunk. Mostly just her legs and cheeks. We see a little more of her personality every day. She loves to talk and she also has learned to gurgle.[not sure if I spelled that right] Her daddy is the only one who has been able to make her actually giggle. He continues to be her favorite person. She has also learned to play with different toys now. She will hold onto things and toss them around. I usually put her in her exersaucer in the mornings to play and she will usually play anywhere from 30 min. to an hour. She absolutely LOVES it. She can turn herself around in it and she will play with all of the toys. Most of the time she talks to the toys as she's playing with them. She also likes to stand up. As long as you are holding her hands, she will stand all day long. She is still eating and sleeping great too. She usually goes to bed around 7-7:30 or so and gets up around 6:00 and eats. Then she'll go back to sleep for a few more hours. She has been sleeping in her crib for a few weeks now and I think she really likes it. I love when she wakes up in the morning and I go to get her. The first time she sees me in the morning is when she smiles the biggest. We have stopped giving her baby food right now. We got through the carrots great but when we got to the peas and green beans, she would just spit them back up. So right now, I'm giving her cereal and letting her tummy get used to that first. Then I will probably start on some bananas. Hopefully if we do the green foods last, then her stomach will be able to tolerate it. She loves eating off a spoon though. She knows to open her mouth and usually she swallows most if not all of it. She is also getting apple juice twice a day......with her sippy cup. She does really great with it. Within the past few weeks, Emma has defintely figured out where her hands are. Most of the time she prefers her fingers over her paci. She tries so hard to get her fist in there too. It's really cute but the drooling mutiplies when she does it. Speaking of drool......I don't know how something so small could drool as much as she does. She always has a bib on. Everyone is making fun of me now, because if she gets a drop of anything on her clothes, I change them. I'm just OCD like that. I can't help it. We also recently got Emma a new car seat. Since our condo is on the 3rd floor, it was nearly impossible for me to carry her up the stairs in her car seat. So we got a converible car seat and now we can just leave it in the car and just carry her by herself. She likes being able to look out the window though. Since we're not using the car seat anymore, we had to start sitting her up in her stroller when we go out. But she loves that. She likes looking around at everything. It surprised me that yesterday when we went to Wal-Mart and she fell asleep in the stroller. I didn't know if she would or not. But I'm glad that she is able to fall asleep whenever we are. It makes it easier on us when we go places. She doesn't let anything get in the way of her naps. I think thats about all Emma has been up to lately. I can't believe how much how little girl has grown.

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