Tuesday, April 2, 2013

G::4 Months

This is a few days late but better late than never!  :) Little G is 4 months old!! I had forgotten what it was like to have a little baby. Well, sort of. Babies are so funny yet frustrating sometimes because as soon as you get them figured out, they change it up on you and you start all over again. But I'm having fun figuring him out and watching him learn new things.

At four months old G is:

-around 14 lbs I believe. I will update this when we got for his checkup in a week or so.

-in 3 month clothes. He can fit into some 3 month pajamas but he also has a couple of 6 months too. 

-is wearing a size 2 diaper. He wears Pampers Swaddlers Sensitives during the day and I just started him on Huggies Overnites for night time. He is wearing a size 3 because that's as small as they come. 

-is no longer swaddled at night time or nap time. He is now sleeping in a sleep blanket and doing really well. He is definitely a tummy sleeper now. 

-rolling over. He rolled over for the first time on March 20th. This is both a good and bad thing. Since rolling over anytime we lay him down he goes straight to his tummy but then usually gets frustrated. He no longer will lay on his back to play on his play mat and doesn't usually want to sit in his swing. He wants to sit up so bad he can't stand it. He's just in that in between stage where he doesn't want to lay down but can't sit up so keeping him busy is getting a little tough. 

-still on his same schedule of eating at 9,12,3,5:30,7:30 and is eating about 5 oz at a time.

-We also moved him up to the size 2 nipples for his bottles a couple of weeks ago. They are a little messy right now but he'll get the hang of it. 

-giggling. He loves to be tickled too.

-still taking Zantac for reflux.

-teething I believe. He drools like crazy and is always chewing on his hand. 

-loves bath time!! He has discovered that he can kick and splash water and the floor ends up soaking wet. 

-will be starting oatmeal cereal in a few days. 

-loves to hold his O Ball.

-still a good car rider. He will usually fall asleep but if not, he will just look around.

-likes watching cartoons or anything with bright colors.

-he is STILL congested. We are at about 2 1/2 months of him being congested and coughing. If this mess doesn't clear up soon I'm going to go nuts. He would sleep so much better if he could just breathe.

-G got a new stroller yesterday. He is now the proud owner of a new BOB!

We can't wait to see what is in store for month #5. You bring so much happiness to our family and we love you with all our hearts. 

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