Saturday, March 30, 2013

Egg Hunt

This afternoon we went to my parents church for an Easter egg hunt. The girls had been so excited for days leading up to it. Unfortunately the first age group was 10 and under and my barely 3 year old got nearly every one of her eggs stolen from right in front of her but they both ended up with 5 eggs or so. They just can't keep up with those big kids. But they enjoyed it. It's supposed to rain tomorrow but hopefully it won't rain all day long and we can hide some eggs in the yard so that they can find lots of them. They are tucked in bed and now and very excited to see what the Easter bunny brings them. I'm pretty sure we are going to have some happy girls in the morning. 

We will be going to my grandma's house for lunch and then back to my parents house to play and have dinner. It's going to be a busy but fun day. 

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