Sunday, June 2, 2013


1. bath time
2. grocery shopping with me and the girls
3. G
4. kicked back drinking his juice
5. Emma sharing some goldfish with Millie
6. practicing sitting up
7. G
8. sweet baby foot
9. all smiles

1. sticking his tounge out
2. Emma sliding
3. Ryleigh swining
4. G
5. hanging out in the kitchen while mommy cooks
6. she loves her little brother
7. sassy girl
8. apples and PB
9. Ryleigh and Papa

1. Em
2. G
3. eating some pears
4. lunch time!
5. napping in his new carseat
6. leg rolls
7. he LOVES his jumper

1. got a new swing for the playset and he LOVES it
2. playing outside
3. daddy helping Ryleigh hit a ball
4. family walk
5. Katie's bridal shower that I put together
6. swimming 
7 & 8 daddy and G at a cookout
9. Grayson and his great grandmother

1. silly boy
2. Emma
3. sitting up!
4. hangin out on daddys truck
5. one of the few times he will take his paci during the day....wasn't feeling too good.
6. my princess
7. taking a little catnap
8. sidewalk chalk!
9. cruisin around

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