Saturday, June 1, 2013

::6 Months::

How on the world has 6 months go by?!  He is halfway to a year old already! (Insert tears)  I can't believe how quickly he is growing and how many new things he is learning. He wasn't very cooperative for his pictures this time. He was too busy rolling around and eating his hand. But here is what G has been up to this past month.

-he will get weighed at his checkup in a week or so but I'm guessing he's about 15 pounds or so
-G wears 3-6 month clothes and 6 month pj's

-he wears size 3 diapers and size 4 overnites to bed

-he is eating 5 oz bottles still and has 6 a day.
-he also eats about 4 oz of baby food a day

-G is sleeping at night from 7:15- anywhere from 6:15-7:15. I prefer the 7:15 but he didnt ask my opinion. I'm just thankful he sleeps through the night.

-he takes 3 naps a day. Two 1 1/2 hrs and a 30 minute catnap.

-he got a new carseat this month! He was starting to get too heavy for me to carry in his infant carseat so we went ahead and moved him into a convertible seat and he loves it! It sits higher and he is a le to look out the window.

-he is still taking Zantac twice per day.
-STILL teething

-starting to sit up. He can sit for a few minutes without toppling over. Once he gets some stronger back muscles he will be able to sit all the time.
-He loves to jump in his jumperoo.

-Grayson also loves going for walks in his stroller

-he has started eating little yogurt melts and he will munch on some apples in his mesh feeder.

-HATES bananas

-he smiles all the time!

-still uses a paci at bedtime and nap time but doesn't really want anything to do with it otherwise.

-still loves bath time! He has entered the "soak mommy and everything around him" phase. I'll be so glad when he's sitting up good and can take baths in the bath tub.

-this month will be a lot of fun for him because he will be going to the beach for the first time. I am very nervous about taking all 3 kids, especially because I don't know how he will do but I'm hopeful that we will have a great time.

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