Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hey Moms...Look at this!

OK, so at work, I have some spare time when I just surf the web and look at tons of different things. I am constantly looking for things for Emma. I was looking for easter dresses one night and thought to myself, Emma needs an easter basket. Now, I know what you all are thinking......she is only 6 months old. What is she going to do with an easter basket? Well, all families do things differently. Some families get new baskets every year and some keep them and use them again and again. At my mom and dads house, we always sat our easter basket out for the easter bunny to come and leave us candy. So I wanted to get Emma a basket that she can keep forever. I found these beautiful easter baskets. This picture is the one for the girls but they have them for the boys too. You can also have them personalized with your childs name. How cool is that? They are from Pottery Barn Kids. This store has such beautiful stuff. Now before you go and get one right now, let me warn you, they are a little pricey. But if you plan on your child having the same basket year after year, then it is well worth it. The designs and colors that are used will be great when they are little as well as when they are a teenager. Plus, it is a great keepsake. [I can't decide if I like the plain pink flower or the pink and white gingham.]

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

I want to get personalized Easter baskets and stockings when I'm done having kids so they all come from the same place and match! But I've looked into Lillian Vernon and Miles Kimball for really cute personalized stuff.