Friday, February 3, 2012

Long Week

 This week has been kind of a rough week. We got out of the house Wednesday afternoon to go to dance class and also this morning for a couple of errands, but other than that, we have been home. Ryleigh has been fussy everyday for the last week. She just stands around screaming and fussing. If I try to pick her up she falls to the ground and just lays there. I thought she might be getting sick but after talking to my mom, she thinks that she is teething. I can't get in her mouth enough to see without her chomping my fingers off though. For the last couple of days she has been waking up in the morning and from nap time with her bed covered in diarrhea. I know......TMI but that is just what my days have been like. The diarrhea is the only symptom she has had so I think teething is a safe bet. So this week we have done a lot of lounging around the house. I took all the pictures on my phone so they aren't great quality at all, but at least I took pictures. :)

Happy Friday!!

The girls watching The Little Mermaid. They love to sit together and cuddle under a blanket.

Emma loves to get in her sleeping bag. She thinks it's the most fun thing ever.

This picture is actually from last Sunday at my moms house. Ryleigh was in the playroom all by herself and so she plopped down to watch cartoons. 

Thursday morning Ryleigh got up really not feeling well so cuddled for a little while.

Anytime Emma does something, Ryleigh does it too. 
Riding around this morning.

One of our stops this morning was the grocery store. We had to get some baby wipes and a few other things. Emma has become a pro at pushing these little shopping carts around. The only problem is that anything she sees with a princess or Cars on it, she throws it in the cart.

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