Sunday, January 13, 2013

::Baby G::

I am really really trying to get back into blogging but as you can imagine, I just don't have alot of free time left. One of the three children is always needing something and if they aren't then I might have a few minutes to load the dishwasher or put some clothes in the dryer. I feel bad for my poor husband. He comes home everyday and I'm usually in the clothes I was in when he left and the house is a mess. I do my best, but the babies come first. I have taken so many pictures of Grayson and I want to make sure that I have some of them on the blog so here are several really cute pictures. They are all taken with my phone but I promise to get the big camera out soon (and I also promise to have lots of pictures of the girls too). They just aren't big into picture taking right now.  :)

Finally caught a cute little smile on camera!

First time sleeping in his crib-5 weeks old!

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