Saturday, May 4, 2013

::5:: Months

Grayson turned 5 months old last Sunday. We were coming home from the beach then and it has taken me a few days to actually sit down to write all of this out. Blogger is doing something weird with my pictures. They look great on my computer screen but when I upload them they look a little blurry. But I'm just gonna go with it.  

Here is what G has been up to this month:

-I don't know how much he weighs. He will go back to the doctor at 6 months. I believe it's somewhere around 16 lbs though.

-He is in 3-6 month clothes and can also wear some 6 month clothes. I just moved him up to size 3 diapers yesterday.  He wears a size 3 Huggies Overnite for bed.

-G is still taking 6 bottles a day at 5 oz each. At four months old we started him on rice cereal. Since then he has also eaten pears, apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes. 

-He can drink juice with his sippy cup. He can hold it by myself and will drink every last drop of it.

-He is taking about 3 naps a day. He will take anywhere from 1 hr-1 1/2 hr in the morning, a 2 hr nap in the afternoon, and then a 30 minute catnap around dinner time. 

-We get him ready for bed around 7pm with his bath and bottle and he is usually asleep by 7:30. He usually wakes up between 6 & 7.

-Still teething!! He always has his hand in his mouth. 

-Takes Zantac twice a day for reflux.

-Grayson has found his feet! He loves to hold them both, especially while I'm trying to change him, and he loves to put his toes in his mouth.

-He still LOVES Mickey Mouse.

-He went on his first road trip this past weekend. We went to the beach for three nights. He did wonderful. He got a little fussy in the car around the 3 hr mark but then went back to sleep. He still slept great away from home.

-He loves to be tickled and he has the sweetest little laugh.

-Grayson got a new jumperoo a couple of weeks ago and he doesn't jump yet but he loves to play with all the little toys. He also got a new high chair that he loves to sit in also.

-He is such a happy little baby. We get comments all the time that he is such a smiley baby. Unless he is hungry or tired, he is happy. 

-Josh kept him one morning while I took the girls to the dentist and said that he pulled himself forward twice. 

Happy 5 months little G. 

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