Thursday, May 2, 2013

iPhone Pics

This whole 3 kid thing has really thrown off my blogging. I just don't have a lot of free time anymore and at night I like to spend time with Josh. But I'm going to try and get better because I love having this to look back on. Grayson's 5 month post will be up in a day or two. But here are several iphone pictures I wanted to get on the blog. If you follow me on instagram(jennynewnam) then you have probably seen most of these.

 1.Rybear watching cartoons with mommy
2. & 3. G-man 
4. Emma spending time with her Granny
5. Nana and Grayson at the Easter Egg hunt at church
6. & 7. Grayson trying oatmeal for the first time
8. Grayson
9. My little girl who thinks she is too big to take a nap
 1.Grayson trying out his new high chair
2. Eating pears for the first time
3. My little helpers giving Grayson a bath
4. & 5. & 6. G
7. The girls having a picnic outside
8. Grayson
9. Ryleigh
 1. Emma said Grayson's head was cold
2. & 3. Having breakfast at Tex & Shirley's on a rare Saturday morning that daddy wasn't working
4. My girls are very prissy and have to have painted toes
5. Grayson 
6. Told the girls to give Grayson a toy...this is what they gave him
7. Emma watching Mickey Mouse on the iTouch with Grayson
8. 1st dentist appointment
9. A rare moment when Ryleigh actually wants to hold the baby
 1. Using Chopsticks-Dinner at Fire & Sticks with Autumn and the girls
2. Kisses for Grayson
3. All my loves on Josh's 30th birthday
4. & 5. Grayson
6. Munchin on some apples
7. He LOVES his sippy cup and can drink it by himself
8. One of my favorite pictures of Grayson
9. Sidewalk chalk
 1. We got lots of checkups around here
2. He finally found his toes...and they are always in his mouth
3. G
4. Shopping with mommy and daddy at Tanger Outlets in Myrtle Becah
5. Grayson
6. & 7. Ice cream at the beach
8. Sink baths
9. Napping in his crib at the beach
1. On our way home from the beach...Grayson's 1st road trip
2. & 3. My little man
4. Napping in the car....again
5. Toes!!
6. Love him!
7. G loves his jumper
8. Poor little guy. This is what it's like living with girls
9. sweet boy

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