Friday, April 18, 2008

18 Weeks

As of today I am now 18 weeks along. Only 22 left to go!! I went to the doctor on Wednesday for my monthly checkup and everything went pretty good. They checked the heartbeat using the doppler and everything sounded good. The only two problems that I'm having so far is my weight and blood pressure. When I went to the doctor at 13 weeks I had lost 24 lbs from being so sick. A few weeks ago I started to eat a little more but still continued to be sick. So when I went to the doctor wednesday, I had lost 6 more lbs. So now I am at -30 lbs since I got pregnant. The doctor is just going to keep an eye on it for now but he says I need to start maintaining my weight. The sickness has gotten a lot better from before. However, I still don't feel that good most of the time. I'm able to eat a little more even though I never really feel like eating. But then there are some days when I feel like eating anything I can get my hands on. My other problem is my blood pressure. I have always had low blood pressure. But since I got pregnant it has dropped even lower. The doctor said that as long as it doesn't go any lower than it already is then it's ok since I have been maintaining it at a constant level. So there are just a couple of things that we are having to keep an eye on but other than that, everything looks really good. Our families are so excited that we are having a little girl. My sister just had a baby girl in January so it's good that they will be so close in age. Now they will have a little friend to play with.

1 comment:

Hollifields said...

Cheyenne, William and I can't wait for a playmate! We're excited for you. Look after yourself!