Tuesday, March 13, 2012

2 Years!

My little Ry bear is 2 years old today. Where does the time go? I have always considered her my baby and I always will, but the past few weeks I am really realizing that she is a little girl. She is starting to do things that her sister does and she is developing her own little way of doing things too. March 13,2010 will always be one of the best days of my life. Even though when you are pregnant you love that little baby so much already but that is nothing compared to the first time you see that little baby. She is as beautiful now as the day she was born. I love that little girl so much that I wonder how my heart doesn't explode sometimes. Before I had kids, I used to despise when someone would say to me "you don't have kids so you don't understand." Now I know exactly what they mean. Until you become a parent, nothing can prepare you for how you will feel about your children. 

Ryleigh is just the sweetest little girl. She is a mama's girl for sure. I secretly love it. :)  She loves puzzles, Mrs. Potato Head, blocks, and watching movies. She is definitely one of those kids that will sit with you and watch t.v. My daddy calls her his "little sack." She just sits on your leg and kicks back. It the cutest thing ever. Ryleigh has a BIG love for bubbles. She loves to give kisses and high fives too. She is doing a great job sleeping in her toddler bed. We don't have any problems with that at all. She gets in her bed and doesn't get out until we come get her in the morning. She is wearing size 2T shirts and 18-24 mos or 2T pants. She is also in a size 4 shoe. I don't know how much she weighs. She will go for a checkup at the end of the month so I'll find out then. She has been sitting at the table in a little booster seat for a while now and she does great with that too. She is not really too picky when is comes to eating. I have only found a few things that she doesn't like which are bananas and pineapple. 

     I am so blessed to have you as my daughter. My love for you grows more and more each day. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you. I love you so much sweet girl.

All  of these pictures were taken by Autumn when Ryleigh was a week old. Autumn will also be taking Ryleigh's 2 year pics in the next couple of weeks so I will post those when I get them!

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