Thursday, March 15, 2012


Ryleigh had a great birthday on Tuesday. When the girls got up I took them to Chick-fil-a for breakfast. The girls had no idea what was going on. We rarely go out for breakfast. Mainly because by the time everyone is up and ready and we get somewhere its so late. But I had everything ready to go and all I had to do was get the girls dressed. After breakfast we went to Target. I got the girls two princess kites to take to the beach. Josh got off work early to spend the rest of the day with us so we took the girls to the playground and then we went to eat Tacos. I was going to get them to sing to Ryleigh however, at the table beside us the little girl was having a birthday also and they sang to her and played a really loud drum. Ryleigh lost it and started screaming and tried to climb out of her seat. So I figured singing to her wasn't a good idea. It was a very low key day but we had fun celebrating with Ryleigh. 

We are going to the beach this weekend!! I am so excited too. It's really sad that my inlaws own a beach house and we have only been 3 or 4 times in the past 2 years. We hope to change that this year though especially now that the girls are older. We are planning on staying from Friday-Tuesday. Josh has to work in Wilmington on Monday and Tuesday so it was the perfect time to go. I am looking forward to playing on the beach, maybe riding the boat, flying kites, and taking the girls for ice cream. Emma is so excited to build sandcastles. She told me today that Nana and Papa were going to stay in it. 

I will definitely be back with lots of pics. Hope you all are having a wonderful well!

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