Monday, March 4, 2013

Baby G::3 Months

Here we are again. 3 months old already! I say this all the time, but time really is flying by. Why does it always do that when you have a little one? It makes me so incredibly sad that he is growing up so fast but I LOVE watching him learn new things and explore. This post is a little late. I took pictures last week but the camera or computer messed up and I lost them so I had to take them again. But last Friday the stomach bug of 2013 hit and I am just now getting around to posting this. 

Here is what baby G is up to now:

-I believe he weighs around 12 lbs now. We don't have a well check this month so this is just a guess.

-He is in 3 month clothes but I have had to get a couple of 6 month pj's because his toes were pushing the ends of his 3 month ones. 

-Size 1 diaper but will probably be moving up to size 2's when I finish the box we are on now. We have a big box that was given to us at his baby shower and he is close enough so I'm going to go ahead and move him up. 

-He is still on the same schedule that he has been on. He eats when he gets up around 6:30-7, then he eats at 9,12,3,5:30, and 8.

-He is eating about 4 1/2 oz of formula at every feeding now. 

-He is taking around 4 naps a day. Usually 2 30-45 minute naps and 2 1-1 1/2 hr naps. He takes all of his naps in his crib now also.

-We start his bedtime routine at 7:30 and then he is usually asleep by 8:15. He loves his bath every night. It really calms him down and helps him sleep better.

-Speaking of sleep- He is now consistently sleeping through the night. He has been sleeping through the night since about 7 weeks old but he would sleep through the night a couple of nights and then wake up around 3am for a few nights. We have now dropped that 3am feeding and he is sleeping from 8:15pm-6:30am or so. 

-G still sleeps swaddled in his miracle blanket and he used to love it and sometimes he still does. But I've noticed that he is starting to fight it some. I think his swaddling days are limited and I'm not looking forward to that. He is sleeping so well now that I don't want to mess that up. 

-Grayson has been congested for over a month now. It is really bad at night time and the humidifier doesn't help a whole lot. We started him on Zantac a couple of weeks ago for reflux and the pediatrician said that reflux can cause congestion and to give it some time so I'm hoping it will clear up soon. 

-He LOVES to chew on his hands and fingers. He is constantly drooling. Maybe we will have an early teether.

-He is still in love with his playmat. He will play for over 30 minutes at a time. 

-He usually gets pretty fussy around 7pm every night because its so close to bedtime but we have learned that if we lay him on our bed he will watch cartoons or Baby Einstein and it makes him so happy.

-This month he also rolled over from his belly to his back. He is really close to rolling form his back to belly also. If he could just figure out what to do with that pesky arm. 

 Grayson has completely stole my heart. I love this little boy so much. He is such a happy baby and I couldn't be more in love with him. Love you so much sweet baby G. 

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