Tuesday, March 19, 2013


This past Saturday we had Ryleigh's birthday party. She requested an Ariel party so that's what we went with. I took her and Emma to Party City and she picked out everything. I love letting them get involved and help with their parties because I know they love it and are so proud of themselves. The party was great. We had some snacks, cupcakes, and opened a few presents. I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I did but here are a few. 

About a week and a half ago G got sick. I think it was a stomach bug but he was projectile vomiting everything he ate. That was also the weekend that the time changed and since then he hasn't been sleeping very well. Now that he is over the sickness I noticed that he was fighting his swaddle at night. He was also wiggling out of it during the night and that isn't safe for him so I decided it was time to teach him to sleep without it. Last night was the first night and he did fairly well. I'm hoping tonight is even better. 

Josh has been out of town since Sunday. He's working down at the beach right now and I'm extremely jealous. I want to go to the beach so bad and I'm hoping we can make that happen within the next couple of weeks. 

My birthday is this Saturday. I'm savoring my last few days of 25. After Saturday I will be on the downward hill to 30.

Grayson has started staying awake a lot more during the day. He is usually awake about 2 hours between naps. During that time, he LOVES to play on his playmat and will usually last about 30 minutes before he wants to do something else. 

He is getting so big!!  :(

Hope you all are having a great Tuesday!

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