Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My mom and I took Emma to the pediatrician today for another check-up. She weighed 7 lbs 1 1/2 oz. So she still isn't gaining any weight. The doctor changed the way I am pumping so that Emma will get more calories and hopefully begin to put on some weight. Josh and I have been concerned lately because Emma hasn't pooped in a week. But we have been told that it is normal for babies to sometimes go a week without pooping. So the doctor actually stuck her finger [well, I'll let you use your imaginiation] in Emma to kind of get things going. I'm still waiting on her to go. She still looks a little jaundice but as she continues to eat and when she poops, that will help it to go away. We have to have her weight checked again on Friday. Hopefully she'll be back up to her birth weight soon. After her appointment, my mom took me out to breakfast at Tex & Shirleys. Emma does great being out in public. She just sleeps in her carseat. But she's only 11 days old.....I'm sure that will change.

1 comment:

Hollifields said...

I'm sure she'll start gaining wait soon. Then you'll wish she's stop..just look at my chunky munky!