Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 Months Old!

Emma is now 2 months old. Time sure does fly by. She has changed tremendously since she was born. She is awake most of the day now and only takes short little naps. But by 6:00 at night, she is starting to sleep more. She just wears herself out. She can hold her head up pretty good. She just gets tired and has too rest. In the next week or two she'll be holding it up all the time. I can't wait. She still sleeps awesome too. She usually just wakes up once to eat and then it's back to sleep. She loves to lay on her tummy and play. She really enjoys her playmat too. We are so excited about her first Halloween. Even though she doesn't understand, she still has a cute Halloween outfit that she will wear all day. I can't wait until next year when she will be walking and can dress up.

1 comment:

Hollifields said...

Yay! 2 months already! It's going to go by so fast!