Saturday, December 13, 2008

3 1/2 Months Old

Well, I haven't blogged in a little while so I thought I would let you all know what's been going on lately. I have been back to work for two weeks now. It has taken some time for the 3 of us to settle into a routine but now we are used to it. It is so much harder seeing the babies in the NICU after having a baby of my own. Josh has been doing a great job with Emma at night. She is sleeping from about 9:00pm until about 6:30 am. Then she'll get up to eat and then she go back to sleep until about 9:30 am. She has put herself on this schedule. Josh and I have used the "sleep when your sleepy, eat when your hungry" method. It has worked like a charm. She sleeps anywhere and everywhere and she eats about every 3-5 hours. Just depends on whether she's napping or not. She is getting so big too. I feel like she has doubled in size since she was born. She is still skinny and long but she does have a little baby chunk to her legs and cheeks. I just love to squeeze her. And FINALLY she is getting some more hair. There is definetly some coming in and it's getting fluffy too. She has developed such a big personality over the last couple of weeks. She loves to talk to us and play.....especially with her daddy. He is definetly her favorite person. No one can make her smile like he can. She loves to sit up and look around. She will sit on daddys lap and watch t.v. all the time. If she is awake, she doesn't want to be laid back anymore. She wants to get up and see the world. She still has her cold. She has had it for almost 2 weeks now. It is mainly just in her nose. But it hasn't bothered her. She's not cranky or anything....she just needs to sleep in her swing so that she is sitting up enough to breathe. We had planned on moving her into her crib when I went back to work but since she's been sick we haven't done that yet. But as soon as shes better, she'll start sleeping in her own room. I don't think it will be a problem. She will sleep anywhere you lay her down. I can't believe she is 3 1/2 months old already. Pretty soon she will be getting teeth and eating food. The older she gets, the more things we are able to do with her. We can't wait until next summer when we can go swimming, go out on the beach, and even take her out on the boat a little bit. Last summer, I wasn't able to do much because being pregnant in 90-100 degree weather is miserable, so I'm looking forward to playing in the pool with Emma. So thats about all that's going on with us. We are just taking it day by day and enjoying being parents. Tonight, we are going to my mom and dads anniversary party. It's their 25th anniversay next Wednesday. Then Sunday we are going to mom and dads house to make Christmas candy to give to everyone. We atempted to take Emma to see Santa last night but it was little too crowded and it would have been time for her to eat by the time we got to see Santa. So I'm thinking we might take her first thing Sunday. Hopefully we can do that before it gets too close to Christmas. The lines are only going to get longer. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Only 12 days left till Christmas!!!!

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