Sunday, February 20, 2011

Terrible Two's

My sweet Emma has the terrible two's very bad! Somedays she is sweet and loving and will listen. Other days, she ignores you, puts her fingers in her ears, and tells you no. It can be so frustrating and there's just not a whole lot we can do about it. We can try to discipline her, but I feel as though it has no effect on her what so ever. Here lately, her favorite word is "no". She says no to EVERYTHING. But....she does it in such a cute way, that sometimes you can't help but to laugh at her. Our big problem lately is her trying to get out of her carseat. She gets out of the straps that go over her shoulders. Yesterday we stopped 3 or 4 times to get out and get her back in her seat. Unfortunately, I hear there is nothing I can really do to stop it. Sometimes, I ask her to take something somewhere for me(diaper to the trash can, put something in the sink) and she tells me no, but then I ask her again and put it in her hand, and she throws it. She can throw a tantrum better than any kid. She literally falls face first on the floor and just screams and cries. I really don't know how she hasn't hurt herself yet. She has a fit when Ryleigh plays with one of her toys and she is always taking things away from her. I know that she will do that, even when she isn't two, but she is just so mean about it. Poor Ryleigh just wants to play with Emma and she wants nothing to do with her.

I know that this phase will pass, but it's just so tiring and overwhelming. You never know what you're going to get with her.

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