Saturday, October 5, 2013

::G::10 Months

Grayson turned 10 months old last week. He's been in a pretty bad mood the past week or so, so that's why this is so late. He hasn't been in a picture taking mood. Here is what G has been up to this past month. 

-at his checkup a few weeks ago he was 21 lbs 8 oz and 29 inches tall

-he is wearing 6-12 month clothes and size 4 diapers

- he has 4 bottles a day of 5 oz so a total of 20 oz per day 

-G is also eating a meal at lunch and dinner with a couple of snacks during the day too. I am moving his schedule around soon and he will start 3 meals a day and only 3 bottles per day. 

-he is still taking 3 naps a day. I am trying hard to get him down to 2 longer naps but he just isn't quite ready to give up that lunch time nap. 

-he left top tooth started coming through a couple of days ago and the other one is starting to push out too  (the big reason for his bad mood lately)

-he is still standing some by himself and will slowly lower himself down to the ground. I'm trying really hard to work in walking but every time I try, he starts giggling 

-he still sleeps 7pm-7am 

-he has started crawling out of his little ducky bath tub so I will probably move him to the big bath tub soon

 -he still sleeps with his paci

-G is definitely a very quick cruiser. he cruises around the coffee table constantly

-he is still a mama's boy. I love that he only wants me most of the time but it gets exhausting. especially since he is getting bigger.

-he is "talking" up a storm. he has mastered the w, d, and b sound for sure

 -G is still a big fan of Mickey Mouse and now he loves Little Einsteins too

 -he has the most contagious laugh.

As we approach your 1st birthday, it makes my mama heart sad but also so happy. I adore watching you grow and become your own little person. I love you so much.

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