Thursday, June 7, 2012

.:little fishies:.

I'm FINALLY getting around to uploading our first pool pictures of the summer. I was so excited for the pool to open this year. At that time, it was in the 90's everyday and I couldn't wait to jump in the pool. Now, this week has been really cool. Go figure, right? It's warming up though and this weekend will be hot so thats not too bad. Emma and Ryleigh love to swim. Well, let me rephrase that....Emma loves to swim. Ryleigh loves to walk around the pool, throw in toys and balls, get in only while someone holds her, and eat icees. This is Ryleigh's first year where she is really big enough to put on some swimmies and really get in the pool but she's a little hesitant. She will get in, but she wants me to hold her. She had been wearing a puddle jumper but hated it so I put just a regular pair of swimmies on her, however they don't really keep her above water that well. But we're working on it. Emma would stay in the pool all day if you would let her. I am fully aware that these pictures aren't edited very well but with the bright sun, I haven't quite learned how to fix them.
(This picture is from the beach a couple weeks ago. I just loved it so much.)

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