Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The past few days have been absolutely horrible for me and baby Emma. Yesterday afternoon I started feeling really bad. I kept getting sick. [I'll spare you all the details] I called the doctors office and they put me on bed rest for the rest of the night. At 21 weeks pregnant, I shouldn't be getting sick like this anymore. It seems as though I can't hardly eat anything without getting sick. Which is causing me to lose weight. When I woke up this morning I was feeling a little better so I went on and did things that I normally do. Josh and I went to my parents house this afternoon and I was feeling ok. Well I cooked dinner and then ate a little bit and then it hit me again. My stomach started killing me. So I called the doctor again and I am now on bed rest for the next 24 hours. They also gave me a prescription that I'm hoping will help. So right now I'm just living off of Gatorade and crackers again. Hopefully little miss Emma will start behaving in there so that we can start feeling better.

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

I really feel for you. I didn't go through morning sickness but for the first trimester. It's the lower back that hits around 8 months that is killer. Isn't there an old wives' tale about you know you're pregnant with a girl when you're sick all the time? Poor Jenny.