Tuesday, December 21, 2010

9 Months Old

I am really late in posting this, but last week my little Ryleigh bear turned 9 months. I can't believe how fast she is growing. It seems as though she learns to do something new every day. Here is what she is up to now.

-She wears 12-18 month clothes and size 3 shoe

-She crawls everywhere

-She can pull up on anything and walk around. She even walks along the wall sometimes.

-She is eating three meals a day with a couple of 6 ounce bottles in between.

-She takes two naps a day and sleeps about 11 hours at night. She usually gets up once and eats and goes right back to sleep.

-She has become so vocal the past few days. She is constantly "talking" and she is always saying "dada dada".

-She loves when I sing "Rockabye Baby" and rock her. She smiles so big and just laughs at me.

-She doesn't like Blake at all. If he even licks her, she starts screaming.

-She has mastered the sippy cup and now we give her whole crackers and she eats them by herself.

-I've gotten her back to putting herself to sleep. We ran into trouble once she started standing up by herself, but now she will go to sleep after about 10 minutes.

-She loves to go shopping. She sits in the shopping cart and looks around at everything and never makes a peep.

-She can stand for about 3 seconds by herself. I think she will definitely be walking by her birthday.

She has changed so much this month, and she is growing up so fast. I am looking forward to spending her first Christmas with her this weekend!

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