Monday, January 3, 2011

Walking Shoes

I have great news!!! This past Saturday Ryleigh took her 1st step. She has been standing by herself for a couple of weeks now and she is up to about 15 seconds by herself. I know that doesn't sound like long, but for a 9 1/2 month old, I think thats pretty good. She can walk behind both of her walkers just fine, and has learned how to turn while walking too. Ryleigh is constantly moving and I know she wants to walk so bad. I really don't think it will be too long until she is walking all over the place. My guess is around 11 months. But we'll see. I just hope she starts walking soon, cause that little chunker gets heavy. Anyway, since she is trying to walk I thought it was time to get her a pair of shoes. Also, part of the problem is that it's cold here and when I put socks on her, as soon as we get in the car, she pulls them off and chews on them, so that when we get to where we are going they are soaked. So I thought having shoes on would help her leave her socks on and keep her feet warm. I had a hard time finding her some shoes because her feet are a little thick and chunky so I had to go somewhere that could measure her feet and find ones that were comfortable for her. I ended up at Stride Rite. Keep in mind....I really really really don't like going to stride rite because they are very overpriced. But kids shoes are always so expensive and I needed to find a pair that would last her a little while and that would fit. So as soon as Iwalked in, I found the PERFECT pair. They just came out last week and I'm so glad they had ones that fit. Anyway, I always like to blog about little "firsts" like this so, here are Ryleigh's 1st pair of shoes!!!

Are these not cute as a button!?!? I love the little chicks and polka dots. I will post pictures soon of her standing!

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