Monday, March 14, 2011

My 1 Year Old

Well, Ryleigh is now 1. It's just so hard not to get a little sad when I think about that. She's no longer my little baby. She is a little toddler. But, I love watching her walk around and explore new things. She is turning into a wonderful little girl. Her party was yesterday and it went great. I will have some pictures up soon. Josh took most of the pictures at the party and we still need to convert them and sort through them. Maybe tonight. Anyway, I thought I would do a little post about what Ryleigh is up to at 1 year old!

-still wearing 12-24 month clothes, depending on what it is

-goes to bed at 7:30 and wakes up any where from 6:15-7:00

-She had her LAST bottle last night. It was a little sad but since I never got to breastfeed her, that means I have been washing bottles almost everyday for the last year and I'm so glad to be done with that.

-She is riding forward facing in her carseat. We switched her a couple of weeks ago (a tad bit early) and she LOVES it. She likes being able to see Emma and us.

-She still LOVES cheerios.

-She is walking great and is very steady. A few days ago she finally figured out how to stand up by herself.

-She doesn't like to sit still or cuddle.

-When she doesn't want to be put down, she stands there and hangs her head with her lip poked out. It's the cutest and saddest thing ever.

-She loves to play with Emma.

-I think her favorite toy is a phone. My mom has a little play phone at her house and Ryleigh will play with it forever. So I got her one for her birthday and she also got one from Aunt Jill. She has played with them non-stop since last night.

-She has cut herself down to one nap a day. I don't think she is ready for this, but I have tried to put her down earlier so that she can have 2 naps, but she isn't ready to go to sleep. So as of now, her and Emma both eat lunch around 11:15-11:30 and then go down for naps. It works out great, because now I can finally get a shower before lunch time.

-She still loves the Backyardigans, but she also loves Mickey Mouse.

-She has the sweetest smile.

-She will say dada and mama, but nothing else...yet.

-she loves to swing.

Ryleigh, we can't believe how fast this year flew by. We love you so much. You have brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. Happy 1st Birthday sweet girl. :-)

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