Friday, October 28, 2011


I am finally getting around to posting our pictures from the zoo. I have fallen a little behind. I had a ton of school work this week.  I actually just got done with my first exam and I still have another exam due by Sunday. But anyway, I'm trying to get caught up. 

This past Sunday we spent the morning at the NC Zoo. My whole family went last year and we did the same this year. I love that we can all go and enjoy a morning out together. It's not very often we get everyone together anymore. We got there as soon as the park opened at 9am. We walked through the whole zoo and then had a picnic lunch on the grass. The girls all did really well. Emma loved seeing all the animals that she had spent the whole week talking about. Ryleigh mostly rode in the stroller and I got her out to see some animals. She did so great and loved looking around. I thought we got more pictures than we did....but I guess keeping up with all the kids was first priority.    :)

 Emma go to ride on daddy's shoulders...which she obviously loved!

Emma LOVES her Aunt Katie

My favorite....the Zebra!

Ryleigh mostly enjoyed playing with her shoe strings.

She is a papa's girl. 

We really had a great time there and I'm looking forward to taking them again next year. 

I will hopefully post our trip to the pumpkin patch in the next day or two. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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