Sunday, November 27, 2011

Catching Up

It's been a little bit since I last posted. This past week was very long and there way a lot going on so I'm just going to do one big catch up post and then hopefully start blogging regularly again this coming week. We hosted Thanksgiving for my moms side of the family at our house this year so Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning I spent cleaning, getting things I needed, grocery shopping, etc. Wednesday afternoon Emma had dance class. She had so much fun but I was ready to get back home and finish preparing for Thursday. But, on the way home the girls and I were in a car accident. It was my first and also the girls firsts too. We were rear ended at a complete stop by a car going probably 35-40 mph. Several EMS and fire trucks came and we were all checked out and we are fine. The girls were screaming so much but I think it just scared them more than anything. We finally got home around 6:00 that night. Since the accident wasn't my fault we have to go through the other driver's insurance. My car isn't drivable so I need them to provide me with a rental car until they fix mine. However, we haven't been able to get in touch with anyone and I am going on day 5 of not having a car. It's very frustrating, especially since it wasn't even my fault. But anyway, as a result of the car accident we had to purchase new carseats for the girls. (which the insurance company will be paying for) The girls love their new seats. This picture is after we moved our cars from the main road.  You can still see a couple of the trucks there. The accident was in between the trucks.

(the rest of the pics were taken with Josh's phone)

Thanksgiving Day was long but so wonderful. After the accident I had some really bad back pain which made everything we had to do Thursday morning that much harder. We had around 20 people here and it was so great to be with the whole family. I am thankful for so many things this year. My two wonderful girls, my husband, my family, our health, the roof over our heads, food we eat. I could go on and on and on. Truth is, life is hard, but we all have so many things to be thankful for. 

Josh fried two turkeys this year. The only way to do it, in my opinion. 

Katie came over early and kept the girls busy for me. Emma and Katie are coloring, Ryleigh is throwing crayons in the floor.  :)

Today we took the girls to the playground to get some energy out. They hadn't left the hosue since the accident on Wednesday so I think it did them some good to get out. They had so much and Ryleigh even started going down the big slide. I can't believe how fast these girls are growing.

We put our tree up on Friday night and we had plans to decorate last night but that didn't happen. We decided to wait until tomorrow morning. We always make Christmas cookies while decorating the tree and since I already told Emme about them, we went ahead and baked our cookies. Emma LOVES the little sugar cookies with the pictures on them. I am really looking forward to decorating the tree without our girls. 

I think that's about it. We are all caught up and I'm looking forward to having one more day to spend with Josh and the girls before Monday comes once again. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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