Tuesday, July 10, 2012

19 Weeks!

How far along? 19Weeks! Almost halfway there!!
Size of Baby: Last Friday during my ultrasound the baby was measuring at 9 ounces and is about 6 inches long.
Maternity Clothes: Yes 
Weight: Down 24 lbs so far. My doctor is hoping that it will stop going down and level off a little bit, but we'll just have to wait and see. But as long as the baby is measuring ok then everything is fine. They will keep a close eye on him.
Gender: IT'S A BOY!

Labor Signs: Hopefully not till November or December!

Movement: little flutters up until this morning when I had a lot of tiny little kicks on my right side. Thats where baby boy has been hanging out during all of my ultrasounds so I guess he's comfortable over there.

Sleeping: Pretty good, although now I can't make it all night without having to get up at least once.
What I Miss: Absolutely nothing.

What I am looking forward to: Registering with Josh this week.
Cravings/Aversions: Not really

Symptons: Still heartburn. ugghh
Best Moment this Week: Getting our air conditioner fix this morning. Pure heaven!

Sunday night the temperature in our house kept creeping up and finally the air just quit working. It was about 80 degrees in the house that night. Josh went to Wal Mart and bought three fans around midnight and we were able to keep semi cool. Yesterday we spent the day at my mom and dads house hanging out and when we got home last night the house was 85. We put the girls to bed with a lot of fans but I still couldn't get cool so we got the girls up and I drove to my mom and dads to spend the night. Josh stayed home to try and get the house a little cooler. Luckily the 100 degree days ended yesterday and this morning it wa a lovely 73. The house was still around 80 though. The guy got it fixed a couple of hours ago and it is slowly cooling off in here. I never ever want to have to do that again. I definitely appreciate the air a lot more now.

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