Tuesday, November 27, 2012

39 Weeks!!

I can't believe this is my last weekly update. We will be having a baby tomorrow!!!!!

How far along? 39 Weeks! Only 1 day to go!

Size of Baby: Grayson is weighing in around 7 lbs and is about 19-22 inches long.

Maternity Clothes: Yep!

Weight: -26lbs

Gender: IT'S A BOY! Grayson Blake 

Labor Signs: I've had a few little contractions but only when I've been on my feet a while and they quickly go away. Nothing significant yet. 

Movement: At this point he isn't moving a whole lot. He sticks out some here and there but no big movements anymore. 

Sleeping: I wish.....

What I Miss: My ankles, being able to get up off the floor easily, walking without waddling, etc.

What I am looking forward to: Wednesday! I went to my pre-op appointment this morning and saw a few babies being taken home and it made me so ready to meet this little fella.

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing lately...

Symptoms: heartburn, back pain, swollen ankles, carpal tunnel syndrome

Best Moment this Week: We had some really great moments this week. We had a great Thanksgiving. We had my moms side of the family over to our house Thursday night. Josh fried some turkeys and they were soooo good. I was so exhausted by the end of the day but it was so nice to have everyone over. We had a great time decorating our Christmas tree and my mom and dads tree. The girls are pros now. Last night we took the girls to Tanglewood-Festival of Lights and they were absolutely thrilled. They loved it so much and Emma has been begging to go back.

We will be taking the girls to my mom and dads house tomorrow night and then we have to be at the hospital at 6am on Wednesday morning. I can't wait to introduce you all to the newest member of the family.

I thought I would go ahead and show you all a few pictures of Grayson's nursery. It is still a work in progress. I have so many ideas that just haven't come together yet but it's a start.

We sold the girls white crib a while back and got this cherry one for Grayson. It is much more boyish and it is nice to have a new crib for him.

Here is a close up of the sheet. I got the sheet and crib skirt from Pottery Barn Kids. I didn't get the bumpers because they were really expensive and they would have to come out of the crib when he started rolling anyway. So I plan on getting a breatheable bumper when the time comes.
I love the little alligators though. They are my favorite part of the room.

The stroller and carseat are still in his room. We will be installing his carseat where Emma's is but we are waiting until we drop them off tomorrow night to install the seat. You can also see his really cute whale tub. 

Here is his dresser. Katie gave this to us when she moved out of her apartment. It matches everything else perfectly. It still has a ton of room for little boy clothes.

 And here is his swing and nap nanny. Waiting on a sweet little baby.

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