Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

Emma and Ryleigh had a great Halloween this year. It's no secret that I do not like Halloween one bit but I love to dress them up and go trick or treating. I just don't like everything else that goes along with Halloween. Emma was very excited this year to pick her costume. She wanted to be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I got lucky and found a cute Belle dress on sale at Target and also a crown to go with it. Ryleigh wore Emma's costume from last year. Emma also wore it the year before that so I've gotten 3 uses out of it! It's finally going retired now though. We only took the girls to my mom and dads church to do trunk or treat. They did wonderful. They said trick or treat to everyone and also said thank you each time. Since Halloween they have worn their costumes around the house most of the day. They are also loving all the extra candy. They only get 2 pieces a day(one after lunch and one after dinner) so it should last a little while. After we left the church we took them to see Josh's parents for a bit where they got even more candy. I can't wait to have three little ones to dress up next year!

1 comment:

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

They both look great. I would love a little girl to dress up. :) One day.