Sunday, November 11, 2012


This post will probably be all over the place but it's the easiest way to get up to date on what has been going on lately. Honestly, we have stayed home a lot over the past couple of weeks or so. It's mostly my fault because let's just face it, getting out isn't as easy as it used to be. Plus, there isn't much of anywhere we need to go. So we stay home and play a lot. We do a lot of puzzles and coloring around here. My girls are addicted to puzzles and Emma LOVES to color all day long. They are really into Play-doh now too. Here are just a few pictures from the past week or two. 

Swinging at Nana and Papa's last Sunday. 

This past weekend I spent taking the tags off all Grayson's clothes, blankets, burp cloths, etc. I got them all washed and put away. The cuteness of all these tiny clothes kills me. I still can't believe there will be a baby in the house in a little over 2 weeks!

The girls played hide and seek at mom and dads today. I can't even describe how much I love spending Sunday afternoons at my parents house. The girls love getting to play there with their cousins too. It's just so nice to have a day set aside that we all get together and spend family time. 

My sweet Ry-bear.  This little girl makes me laugh all day long with everything that she is saying. She has the cutest way of yelling "mommmmmy" all over the house. Then it's usually followed with "where are yoooooou?!" She is just so sweet and I love the age that she is now. 

And of course I had to include my little Emma. Emma is at the age where we aren't getting along very well. I don't know if it's the stage that she is in or that my patients are wearing a little thin these days but I'm hoping it won't stay around too long. She can be the sweetest child one minute and then the next she is giving the biggest attitude. I love her though. :)

This past Friday I picked up my nanny (my mom's mom) and took her to Salem Creek. Salem Creek is a beautiful store in Winston Salem and it is full of all kinds of decorative things and right now, some really awesome holiday stuff. They also have huge rooms full of Vera Bradley's. My nanny was looking for a new purse so I figured this was the perfect place. This is just one of the many walls of Vera's that they have. It doesn't even do it justice. 

Josh has been out of town since Friday and won't be back until Thursday night so right now I am spending my nights getting ahead on my school work. School doesn't technically end until after Grayson's born but I already have all of my assignments so I am really trying to get them all done and then I won't have to worry about them when he gets here.

At my mom's house today we were discussing everything that was coming up in the next few weeks and it is completely overwhelming. This coming weekend my parents are taking Emma and Ryleigh to Disney on Ice and Josh and I are going out to get the last few things we need for Grayson. Then comes Thanksgiving, putting up our tree, helping decorate my mom and dads tree, Tanglewood-Festival of Lights, and then Grayson will be here. A few days after Grayson is born Emma will be participating in the Christmas Parade with her dance class. Josh and I won't be able to go but my mom and dad are going to take the girls and I know they will have a great time. Just thinking about all of that makes me a little crazy but I am just focusing on enjoying these last couple of weeks with my little girls. 

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