Tuesday, November 27, 2012

4 Year Check-Up

Today was Emma's 4 year check-up. We are about 3 months behind but at least we got it done! I was really dreading today because I knew she had to get shots but she did wonderful. I took her Tinkerbell band aids and she was really excited to have those there. Of course she cried for a minute and told me how much they hurt, but then she was fine. Because she did such a great job I treated her to Chick-fil-a for lunch. 

Here are her 4 year stats:
Weight- 39 lbs-50th percentile
Height- 39 1/4"- 25th percentile
Blood Pressure- 92/64

She also passed her hearing and eye tests with flying colors. 

This was taken after I told her about the shots. She was really nervous. :-/

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