Monday, June 30, 2008

28 Week Check Up

Today I went to the doctor for my 28 week check up. I had to do the much dreaded glucose test. They give you this sugar drink that you have to drink and then draw some blood to test if your body is breaking down the sugar the right way. The orange drink was so nasty. It tasted like cough syrup with a lot of sugar. Everything went very good though. They said that if everything was ok with my lab work they wouldn't call me news is good news. They also stuck my finger to check my iron levels. The doctor said that I am slightly anemic but not so much that we need to do anything about it yet. He is going to keep an eye on it for now. I had to pee in a cup as usual and they also weighed me. I have gained another 3 pounds. It seems like to much more. He also checked her heartbeat with the doppler and she kept moving so much that he spent a few minutes chasing her around my tummy. But it sounded very good. I asked him about the problem I have been having with my bladder hurting. He said that it was normal sometimes for it to hurt because of all the pressure on my bladder. He said everyones body was different so maybe mine just has a harder time handling it. But he said that it should get better and to keep taking my antibiotics. So hopefully within the next few days it will go away. Now that I am at 28 weeks I will start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. So my next appointment will be on July 14.

1 comment:

Hollifields said...

Glad everything went well. It's really going to fly by