Monday, July 28, 2008

32 Week Check-Up

Today I went back to the doctor for my regular check-up. Even though they just made me go this past Friday, they still wanted to see me back to make sure everything was still ok. This time, they did all the normal stuff....pee in a cup, blood pressure, weight, and also checked her heartbeat. It still sounded strong. So Emma is doing just's just me thats falling apart. Since going to the hospital, things have gotten worse. I have started getting very nauseous and it is mostly after I eat. I also have had severe back pain. So we are all pretty convinced that it's probably my gall bladder that is causing these problems. I have to go to the hospital at 7:15 tomorrow morning for an ultrasound to make sure. Then it's back to my regular doctor on Wednesday again to see what can be done. The doctor said today, that if it is my gall bladder then they can do surgery during pregnancy, they just don't really like too. The risks are much greater in the 3rd trimester. So I'm hoping that everything is ok but if not, then hopefully they will at least wait until she's born to do surgery. We have 8 weeks or less left. So I'll let you all know what they find out from the ultrasound.

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