Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ultrasound Follow-Up

Today I went back to the doctor for the 3rd time to do a follow-up after the ultrasound. The results showed that there is a thickening around my gallbladder that caused them not to get a very accurate reading. The doctor feels certain that it is gallbladder that is causing these issues. So they did some lab work today to check some more things, as well as my liver. We should have the results of those back some time this afternoon. He also checked Emma's heartbeat again and it sounded good. They are going to keep a close eye on her just to be safe though. They also checked my blood pressure and it was extremely low....79/61. He said that if it wasn't back up by my next appointment then he would give me some meds to bring it back up. I also got a prescription for the nausea that I've been having. I have to go back to the doctor again next Tuesday. Hopefully by then, we will know exactly what is going on. Until then, he has asked me to stay out of work for the rest of the week. He said it wasn't good for me to sit 8 hours at a time right now. Not until I'm not having the pain anymore. So hopefully I will be able to go back next week. The pain comes and goes. Sometimes I am only a little sore but at other times it is extremely painful. It also has caused my upper back to hurt. I am hoping that we can fix whatever is going on so that I can enjoy the last 7 weeks of being pregnant. I'm also just glad that Emma is ok and it's only me that is having problems right now. As long as she is ok, then I can deal with this. So I'll keep you all updated on anything we find out.

1 comment:

Hollifields said...

I'm so sorry you are having these issues. You should be able to enjoy these last few weeks, because they go so fast and you can't get them back. Try to enjoy the time out of work, even though the sitution isn't ideal. Feel better soon. :)