Monday, August 25, 2008


Josh and I went to the doctor this morning for our regular check-up and also for an ultrasound. It was so exciting to be able to see her again. Everything looked really good. Her lungs, bladder, kidneys, and all those other things are functioning like they are supposed to. Her heartbeat was 147. She has even already turned herself head down so she is locked and loaded and ready to go. The reason we did the ultrasound today was to see how much she weighs. Well, I went into it thinking that she would be between 6 and 6 1/2 lbs. Boy, was I wrong. She weighs 7 lbs 3 oz already. She is a little big for her gestational age. I didn't expect that at all. When we met with the doctor she said she wanted me to see my primary physician next week so that we could discuss induction. Emma is supposed to gain a 1/2 per week so if I have to wait until 40 weeks to deliver she may be 9-10 pounds and then I might be looking at a c-section [which I do not want]. So I go back to the doctor next Tuesday and I'm hoping he will go ahead and a set a date for me to be induced. [as long as she doesn't come before then] I'm praying that it will be the end of next week. But we'll see. The doctor today also did an exam and said that I was about a fingertip dilated and also 30% effaced. So everything is going good right now. The swelling in my legs and feet has gotten so much worse. They look horrible and they hurt so bad. But it will all be over soon, and I'll probably miss it. I will post some ultrasound pictures as soon as I get them scanned.

1 comment:

Four of a Kind said...

I was induced with Aidan and it was the best thing I could've done. In fact, I hope to be induced with the next one. Shawn was able to arrange time off work, I didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night with contractions, etc. Aidan was 8.1 pounds and there is no telling how big he could've been if I wasn't induced!