Sunday, November 9, 2008

Iron Play Stew

Yesterday, we took Emma to Iron Play because they were having a big stew. There was a tournament in the morning and then stew afterwards. Iron Play is the golf course that Josh helps out all the time. He usually goes on the weekends but here lately, he has been going more. He loves working on the golf course. He does a great job and has received numerous comments on how great it looks. We had Emma outside around the stew pot. When we got there she was a little fussy, but once Josh fed her, she sat in her stroller and went to sleep. She did so great. I love that we are able to go out and do just about anything we want to and know that she will be good for us. Josh stirring the stewThe beautiful golf course.Josh feeding Emma

1 comment:

Hollifields said...

Glad she does so well for you. I hope she continue to as she gets older.