Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Asking for Prayers

Things haven't been so great in the Newnam household the past few days. I continue to be in constant pain that doesn't seem to be getting better. I went to the doctor yesterday for a follow up visit after going to the hospital on Monday. All of my lab work and my ultrasound looked good, except for my white cell count. Other than that, there is no visible reason why I should be in this much pain. Because my white cell count was elevated, that indicates that there could be an infection in the babies fluid. He said that if I developed a fever over the next few days, then I should go straight to the hospital. They would stick a needle through my stomach to pull out some of the fluid to be tested for infection. If the test came back positive, then I would have to be delivered. Right now I am almost at 33 weeks. We are still a little over 2 weeks away from not having to go to the NICU. Even though I have to see 33 week babies all the time, I would really rather wait to see my baby at 37 weeks. As you can imagine Josh and I are kind of scared and nervous at this point. He keeps asking me if I feel like I have a fever. Thankfully so far, I've been able to say no. Hopefully, I will continue to say that. I'm not ready for Ryleigh to be here. As much as I want to meet her and kiss her little cheek, I need her to keep growing a few more weeks. Right now I'm on moderate bed rest. I can be up but not for too long. I'm hoping that the pain I'm having will start to ease up and I will start feeling better. If you could, please keep baby Ryleigh in your prayers.

I wanted to say a quick thank you to both of our families. The past few days haven't been easy and we are thankful that everyone has been there for us. Between going to the hospital and the doctors office, they have dropped what they were doing to come and either help me or watch Emma. We couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you all so much. We love you.

1 comment:

Hollifields said...

Been thinking about you alot. Don't wont to bother you so I haven't called. If you need anything, just holler. Love u