Saturday, January 23, 2010


Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 32 week check-up. The appointment went really well. Baby Ryleigh is doing great and she is measuring perfect. My blood pressure was still a little low, 87/71....but still normal for me. They did another urine test and it appears that I still have a kidney infection but I still have antibiotics to take until Wednesday, so the doctor said it should clear up in a few days. I'm still in a little pain from it but not too bad. I can tell it's getting better. I go back for my next appointment on Feb. 5. Right now, we only have about 5-7 weeks left. My guess is she will probably make her appearance around the 37-38 week. I guess we'll wait and see. Either way, it's not too much longer. We're getting really excited about meeting her.

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